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React for Infrastructure-as-Code

A bold statement? Maybe.

Solving a real problem like React does? 100%.

Let's look at the reasons behind the claim and then the similarities and differences between the two frameworks.

React for Building UI v. CDF for Building Infrastructure

As developers, for a long time, we have benefited from frameworks that boost productivity when developing in certain languages. Think Ruby on Rails for Ruby, or Spring (Boot) for Java.

The arrival of React has completely changed how we develop UI (React DOM on web, React Native on mobile). Yes, we have had JavaScript for as many years as Internet, which seems to give us good enough web development experience; along came the likes of Angular and other full-stack web framework that took an largely object-oriented view on how to develop. But there was nothing like React that gives us a component-based approach while marrying HTML and JavaScript seamlessly, and seeing TypeScript gaining popularity as a result.

CDF is aiming to do the same, in the cloud infrastructure space.

What's in Common

They advocate the same approach: modularised, component-based patterns and code. For React, it took a while to win over developers but there has been no turning back ever since. We predict the same adoption path for CDF: start small and gain popularity gradually once developers realise the benefits. This is also the MODULAR part in CDF's design principles.

Because of the use of components, React also makes testing in UI development easy which in turn pushes for the good practice to be utilised among developers. Since the birth of imperative IaC such as AWS CDK and Pulumi, testing is often cited as one of the biggest game-changers. With CDF and its modular approach, testing against modules should be considered part of the IaC development lifecycle. In scenarios where security and compliance are of paramount importance, the approach should become the standard practice to be followed throughout any engineering organisation.

Virtual DOM is a concept that React helps democratise. It is a way of abstraction, just like how CDF establishes the layer between package authors (DevOps/platform engineers) and framework users (application developers), with the help of an open standard that makes building CDF packages a breeze.

One less obvious point: React puts HTML, CSS and JS/TS in one basket and makes it nice and easy to work with; similarly CDF unites different IaC runtime under one roof. It is about rethinking the status quo in their respective space and offering a better developer experience.

Where They Differ

Managing state is tedious but necessary for UI development. One of React's design goals is to simplify it. Cloud infrastructure is different in that we care about two states and two states only: what it is before the change and what it is after the change. As a result, CDF does not need to treat state as a key concept in its design. It does offer test support to make sure any change is having desirable effect.

In recent years, React has moved away from a class-based component model, to encouraging the use of functional components and hooks. Part of the reason is also related to the complexity of state management in UI which may result in questionable patterns and hard-to-understand code. On the contrary, CDF follows and advocates construct-based modularity which has been made de-facto standard by AWS CDK and Terraform CDK, which is a kind of class-based component model. Here, a consistent programming and mental model is encouraged and able to be applied universally in constructing both low-level and high-level infrastructure components/modules.

Last but not least, while React's programming model can be applied universally in UI development, CDF consciously provides an escape hatch which is a common and necessary pattern in cloud infrastructure. We believe that every platform abstraction should provide an escape hatch to the layer below. This is the CUSTOM part in CDF's design principles.

One More Thing

An interesting trend that is emerging, particularly relevant to TypeScript: it is now possible to have a truly full-stack software application built in TypeScript alone, with the help of React (frontend), Node (backend) and CDF (infra). Full-stack JavaScript or TypeScript is nothing new; CDF extends that reach to give engineering organisations the opportunity to completely eliminate context switching because of differing programming languages in use, therefore helping with hiring too.