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@openfabr/cdf / Exports


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For both project creators and package authors

For project creators

For package authors

For both project creators and package authors

CloudVendor: Object

A list of cloud vendors. The purpose of defining them is to regulate their names throughout the framework and all packages.

Defined in


ToolingLanguage: Object

A list of IaC languages. The purpose of defining them is to regulate their names throughout the framework and all packages.

Defined in


ToolingRuntime: Object

A list of IaC runtime. The purpose of defining them is to regulate their names throughout the framework and all packages.

Defined in


InfraConfig<GC, NC, CC, SC, RC>: Object

Concrete class that models the configuration for an infra project when using a package. It has 5 top-level sections (general, network, components, services and relations), each of which is expected to extended by packages for their own needs.

Usually there is no need to extend this class.

Type parameters

Name Type
GC extends GeneralConfig
NC extends NetworkConfig
CC extends ComponentConfig
SC extends ServiceConfig
RC extends RelationConfig

Defined in


InfraPlan<IPC>: Object

Concrete class that carries both the generated infra baseline and all the outputs as a result.

Usually there is no need to extend this class.

Type parameters

Name Type
IPC extends InfraPlanConstructs

Defined in


RuntimeConfig<SC>: Object

Concrete class for a group of services sharing the same runtime.

Usually there is no need to extend this class.

Type parameters

Name Type
SC extends ServiceConfig

Defined in


TraitConfig<CC>: Object

Concrete class for a group of components sharing the same trait.

Usually there is no need to extend this class.

Type parameters

Name Type
CC extends ComponentConfig

Defined in


ComponentConfig: Object

Interface for a component segment in the configuration. It is expected to be extended by packages to carry detailed information about a particular component type.

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ConfigError: Object

Interface that offers a configuration error type which optionally indicates which field is the offending one. It is expected to be implemented.

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GeneralConfig: Object

Interface for the top-level general section of the configuration. It can be extended by any packages if intended to.

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ImplError: Object

Interface that offers an implementation error type. It is expected to be implemented.

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MessageAware: Object

Interface that offers a message field. It is expected to be implemented.

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NameAware: Object

Interface that offers a URL-friendly name field. It is expected to be implemented.

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NetworkConfig: Object

Interface for the top-level network section of the configuration. It can be extended by any packages if intended to.

Defined in


PlanError: Object

Interface that offers an planning error type. It is expected to be implemented.

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RelationConfig: Object

Interface for a relation segment in the configuration. It is expected to be extended by packages to carry detailed information about a particular relation type.

Defined in


ServiceConfig: Object

Interface for a service segment in the configuration. It is expected to be extended by packages to carry detailed information about a particular service type.

Defined in


SubtypeAware: Object

Interface that offers a subtype field It is expected to be implemented, usually with TypeAware together.

Defined in


TypeAware: Object

Interface that offers a type field. It is expected to be implemented.

Defined in



Ƭ InfraPlanOutputs: Map<string, any>

Short-hand type representing outputs from the infra baseline generated by a package. It is commonly used for information (such as displaying) purposes.

It should be used as-is. The map structure with any value offers flexibility.

Defined in
