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Data Source: awsKendraExperience

Provides details about a specific Amazon Kendra Experience.

Example Usage

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.dataAwsKendraExperience.DataAwsKendraExperience(this, "example", {
  experienceId: "87654321-1234-4321-4321-321987654321",
  indexId: "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789123",

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • experienceId - (Required) Identifier of the Experience.
  • indexId - (Required) Identifier of the index that contains the Experience.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all of the arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • arn - ARN of the Experience.
  • configuration - Block that specifies the configuration information for your Amazon Kendra Experience. This includes contentSourceConfiguration, which specifies the data source IDs and/or FAQ IDs, and userIdentityConfiguration, which specifies the user or group information to grant access to your Amazon Kendra Experience. Documented below.
  • createdAt - Unix datetime that the Experience was created.
  • description - Description of the Experience.
  • endpoints - Shows the endpoint URLs for your Amazon Kendra Experiences. The URLs are unique and fully hosted by AWS. Documented below.
  • errorMessage - Reason your Amazon Kendra Experience could not properly process.
  • id - Unique identifiers of the Experience and index separated by a slash (/).
  • name - Name of the Experience.
  • roleArn - Shows the ARN of a role with permission to access query API, querySuggestions API, submitFeedback API, and AWS SSO that stores your user and group information.
  • status - Current processing status of your Amazon Kendra Experience. When the status is active, your Amazon Kendra Experience is ready to use. When the status is failed, the errorMessage field contains the reason that this failed.
  • updatedAt - Date and time that the Experience was last updated.

The configuration block supports the following attributes:

  • contentSourceConfiguration - The identifiers of your data sources and FAQs. This is the content you want to use for your Amazon Kendra Experience. Documented below.
  • userIdentityConfiguration - The AWS SSO field name that contains the identifiers of your users, such as their emails. Documented below.

The contentSourceConfiguration block supports the following attributes:

  • dataSourceIds - Identifiers of the data sources you want to use for your Amazon Kendra Experience.
  • directPutContent - Whether to use documents you indexed directly using the batchPutDocumentApi.
  • faqIds - Identifier of the FAQs that you want to use for your Amazon Kendra Experience.

The userIdentityConfiguration block supports the following attributes:

  • identityAttributeName - The AWS SSO field name that contains the identifiers of your users, such as their emails.

The endpoints block supports the following attributes:

  • endpoint - Endpoint of your Amazon Kendra Experience.
  • endpointType - Type of endpoint for your Amazon Kendra Experience.