Data Source: awsLb
\~> Note: awsAlb
is known as awsLb
. The functionality is identical.
Provides information about a Load Balancer.
This data source can prove useful when a module accepts an LB as an input variable and needs to, for example, determine the security groups associated with it, etc.
Example Usage
import * as cdktf from "cdktf";
/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
/*Terraform Variables are not always the best fit for getting inputs in the context of Terraform CDK.
You can read more about this at*/
const lbArn = new cdktf.TerraformVariable(this, "lb_arn", {
default: "",
const lbName = new cdktf.TerraformVariable(this, "lb_name", {
default: "",
new aws.dataAwsLb.DataAwsLb(this, "test", {
arn: lbArn.value,
name: lbName.value,
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Optional) Full ARN of the load
- (Optional) Unique name of the load balancer.tags
- (Optional) Mapping of tags, each pair of which must exactly match a pair on the desired load balancer.
\~> NOTE: When both arn
and name
are specified, arn
takes precedence. tags
has lowest precedence.
Attributes Reference
See the LB Resource for details on the returned attributes - they are identical.
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