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Data Source: awsMskCluster

Get information on an Amazon MSK Cluster.

-> Note: This data sources returns information on provisioned clusters.

Example Usage

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.dataAwsMskCluster.DataAwsMskCluster(this, "example", {
  clusterName: "example",

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • clusterName - (Required) Name of the cluster.

Attribute Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • arn - ARN of the MSK cluster.
  • bootstrapBrokers - Comma separated list of one or more hostname:port pairs of kafka brokers suitable to bootstrap connectivity to the kafka cluster. Contains a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to plaintext or TLS_PLAINTEXT. The resource sorts values alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so this value is not guaranteed to be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersPublicSaslIam - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL IAM port pairs. For example, b1PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9198,b2PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9198,b3PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9198. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls and clientAuthentication0Sasl0Iam is set to true and brokerNodeGroupInfo0ConnectivityInfo0PublicAccess0Type is set to SERVICE_PROVIDED_EIPS and the cluster fulfill all other requirements for public access. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersPublicSaslScram - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL SCRAM port pairs. For example, b1PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9196,b2PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9196,b3PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9196. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls and clientAuthentication0Sasl0Scram is set to true and brokerNodeGroupInfo0ConnectivityInfo0PublicAccess0Type is set to SERVICE_PROVIDED_EIPS and the cluster fulfill all other requirements for public access. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersPublicTls - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and TLS port pairs. For example, b1PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9194,b2PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9194,b3PublicExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9194. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls and brokerNodeGroupInfo0ConnectivityInfo0PublicAccess0Type is set to SERVICE_PROVIDED_EIPS and the cluster fulfill all other requirements for public access. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersSaslIam - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL IAM port pairs. For example, b1ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9098,b2ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9098,b3ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9098. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls and clientAuthentication0Sasl0Iam is set to true. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersSaslScram - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and SASL SCRAM port pairs. For example, b1ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9096,b2ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9096,b3ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9096. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls and clientAuthentication0Sasl0Scram is set to true. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • bootstrapBrokersTls - One or more DNS names (or IP addresses) and TLS port pairs. For example, b1ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9094,b2ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9094,b3ExampleClusterNameAbcdeC2KafkaUsEast1AmazonawsCom:9094. This attribute will have a value if encryptionInfo0EncryptionInTransit0ClientBroker is set to TLS_PLAINTEXT or tls. The resource sorts the list alphabetically. AWS may not always return all endpoints so the values may not be stable across applies.
  • kafkaVersion - Apache Kafka version.
  • numberOfBrokerNodes - Number of broker nodes in the cluster.
  • tags - Map of key-value pairs assigned to the cluster.
  • zookeeperConnectString - A comma separated list of one or more hostname:port pairs to use to connect to the Apache Zookeeper cluster. The returned values are sorted alphbetically. The AWS API may not return all endpoints, so this value is not guaranteed to be stable across applies.
  • zookeeperConnectStringTls - A comma separated list of one or more hostname:port pairs to use to connect to the Apache Zookeeper cluster via TLS. The returned values are sorted alphabetically. The AWS API may not return all endpoints, so this value is not guaranteed to be stable across applies.