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Data Source: awsNatGateways

This resource can be useful for getting back a list of NAT gateway ids to be referenced elsewhere.

Example Usage

The following returns all NAT gateways in a specified VPC that are marked as available

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
const dataAwsNatGatewaysNgws = new aws.dataAwsNatGateways.DataAwsNatGateways(
    filter: [
        name: "state",
        values: ["available"],
    vpcId: "${var.vpc_id}",
const dataAwsNatGatewayNgw = new aws.dataAwsNatGateway.DataAwsNatGateway(
    id: `\${tolist(${dataAwsNatGatewaysNgws.ids})[count.index]}`,
/*In most cases loops should be handled in the programming language context and 
not inside of the Terraform context. If you are looping over something external, e.g. a variable or a file input
you should consider using a for loop. If you are looping over something only known to Terraform, e.g. a result of a data source
you need to keep this like it is.*/

Argument Reference

  • filter - (Optional) Custom filter block as described below.
  • vpcId - (Optional) VPC ID that you want to filter from.
  • tags - (Optional) Map of tags, each pair of which must exactly match a pair on the desired NAT Gateways.

More complex filters can be expressed using one or more filter sub-blocks, which take the following arguments:

  • name - (Required) Name of the field to filter by, as defined by the underlying AWS API.
  • values - (Required) Set of values that are accepted for the given field. A Nat Gateway will be selected if any one of the given values matches.

Attributes Reference

  • id - AWS Region.
  • ids - List of all the NAT gateway ids found.


Configuration options:

  • read - (Default 20M)