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Data Source: awsTransferServer

Use this data source to get the ARN of an AWS Transfer Server for use in other resources.

Example Usage

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.dataAwsTransferServer.DataAwsTransferServer(this, "example", {
  serverId: "s-1234567",

Argument Reference

  • serverId - (Required) ID for an SFTP server.

Attributes Reference

  • arn - ARN of Transfer Server.
  • certificate - ARN of any certificate.
  • domain - The domain of the storage system that is used for file transfers.
  • endpoint - Endpoint of the Transfer Server (e.g., s12345678ServerTransferRegionAmazonawsCom).
  • endpointType - Type of endpoint that the server is connected to.
  • identityProviderType - The mode of authentication enabled for this service. The default value is SERVICE_MANAGED, which allows you to store and access SFTP user credentials within the service. API_GATEWAY indicates that user authentication requires a call to an API Gateway endpoint URL provided by you to integrate an identity provider of your choice.
  • invocationRole - ARN of the IAM role used to authenticate the user account with an identityProviderType of API_GATEWAY.
  • loggingRole - ARN of an IAM role that allows the service to write your SFTP users’ activity to your Amazon CloudWatch logs for monitoring and auditing purposes.
  • protocols - File transfer protocol or protocols over which your file transfer protocol client can connect to your server's endpoint.
  • securityPolicyName - The name of the security policy that is attached to the server.
  • url - URL of the service endpoint used to authenticate users with an identityProviderType of API_GATEWAY.