Resource: awsCodestarconnectionsConnection
Provides a CodeStar Connection.
\~> NOTE: The awsCodestarconnectionsConnection
resource is created in the state pending
. Authentication with the connection provider must be completed in the AWS Console.
Example Usage
/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
const awsCodestarconnectionsConnectionExample =
new aws.codestarconnectionsConnection.CodestarconnectionsConnection(
name: "example-connection",
providerType: "Bitbucket",
const awsCodepipelineExample = new aws.codepipeline.Codepipeline(
artifactStore: [{}],
name: "tf-test-pipeline",
roleArn: "${aws_iam_role.codepipeline_role.arn}",
stage: [
action: [
category: "Source",
configuration: [
branchName: "main",
connectionArn: awsCodestarconnectionsConnectionExample.arn,
fullRepositoryId: "my-organization/test",
name: "Source",
outputArtifacts: ["source_output"],
owner: "AWS",
provider: "CodeStarSourceConnection",
version: "1",
name: "Source",
action: [{}],
name: "Build",
action: [{}],
name: "Deploy",
/*This allows the Terraform resource name to match the original name. You can remove the call if you don't need them to match.*/
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the connection to be created. The name must be unique in the calling AWS account. Changingname
will create a new resource.providerType
- (Optional) The name of the external provider where your third-party code repository is configured. Valid values arebitbucket
. ChangingproviderType
will create a new resource. Conflicts withhostArn
- (Optional) The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the host associated with the connection. Conflicts withproviderType
- (Optional) Map of key-value resource tags to associate with the resource. If configured with a providerdefaultTags
configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
Attributes Reference
In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
- The codestar connection ARN.arn
- The codestar connection ARN.connectionStatus
- The codestar connection status. Possible values arepending
- A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the providerdefaultTags
configuration block.
CodeStar connections can be imported using the ARN, e.g.,