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Resource: awsEip

Provides an Elastic IP resource.

\~> Note: EIP may require IGW to exist prior to association. Use dependsOn to set an explicit dependency on the IGW.

\~> Note: Do not use networkInterface to associate the EIP to awsLb or awsNatGateway resources. Instead use the allocationId available in those resources to allow AWS to manage the association, otherwise you will see authFailure errors.

Example Usage

Single EIP associated with an instance

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.eip.Eip(this, "lb", {
  instance: "${}",
  vpc: true,

Multiple EIPs associated with a single network interface

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
const awsNetworkInterfaceMultiIp = new aws.networkInterface.NetworkInterface(
    privateIps: ["", ""],
    subnetId: "${}",
new aws.eip.Eip(this, "one", {
  associateWithPrivateIp: "",
  vpc: true,
new aws.eip.Eip(this, "two", {
  associateWithPrivateIp: "",
  vpc: true,

Attaching an EIP to an Instance with a pre-assigned private ip (VPC Only)

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
const awsVpcDefault = new aws.vpc.Vpc(this, "default", {
  cidrBlock: "",
  enableDnsHostnames: true,
const awsInternetGatewayGw = new aws.internetGateway.InternetGateway(
const awsSubnetTfTestSubnet = new aws.subnet.Subnet(this, "tf_test_subnet", {
  cidrBlock: "",
  depends_on: [`\${${awsInternetGatewayGw.fqn}}`],
  mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,
const awsInstanceFoo = new aws.instance.Instance(this, "foo", {
  ami: "ami-5189a661",
  instanceType: "t2.micro",
  privateIp: "",
new aws.eip.Eip(this, "bar", {
  associateWithPrivateIp: "",
  depends_on: [`\${${awsInternetGatewayGw.fqn}}`],
  vpc: true,

Allocating EIP from the BYOIP pool

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.eip.Eip(this, "byoip-ip", {
  publicIpv4Pool: "ipv4pool-ec2-012345",
  vpc: true,

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • address - (Optional) IP address from an EC2 BYOIP pool. This option is only available for VPC EIPs.
  • associateWithPrivateIp - (Optional) User-specified primary or secondary private IP address to associate with the Elastic IP address. If no private IP address is specified, the Elastic IP address is associated with the primary private IP address.
  • customerOwnedIpv4Pool - (Optional) ID of a customer-owned address pool. For more on customer owned IP addressed check out Customer-owned IP addresses guide.
  • instance - (Optional) EC2 instance ID.
  • networkBorderGroup - (Optional) Location from which the IP address is advertised. Use this parameter to limit the address to this location.
  • networkInterface - (Optional) Network interface ID to associate with.
  • publicIpv4Pool - (Optional) EC2 IPv4 address pool identifier or amazon. This option is only available for VPC EIPs.
  • tags - (Optional) Map of tags to assign to the resource. Tags can only be applied to EIPs in a VPC. If configured with a provider defaultTags configuration block present, tags with matching keys will overwrite those defined at the provider-level.
  • vpc - (Optional) Boolean if the EIP is in a VPC or not. Defaults to true unless the region supports EC2-Classic.

\~> NOTE: You can specify either the instance ID or the networkInterface ID, but not both. Including both will not return an error from the AWS API, but will have undefined behavior. See the relevant AssociateAddress API Call for more information.

\~> NOTE: Specifying both publicIpv4Pool and address won't cause an error but address will be used in the case both options are defined as the api only requires one or the other.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • allocationId - ID that AWS assigns to represent the allocation of the Elastic IP address for use with instances in a VPC.
  • associationId - ID representing the association of the address with an instance in a VPC.
  • carrierIp - Carrier IP address.
  • customerOwnedIp - Customer owned IP.
  • domain - Indicates if this EIP is for use in VPC (vpc) or EC2-Classic (standard).
  • id - Contains the EIP allocation ID.
  • privateDns - The Private DNS associated with the Elastic IP address (if in VPC).
  • privateIp - Contains the private IP address (if in VPC).
  • publicDns - Public DNS associated with the Elastic IP address.
  • publicIp - Contains the public IP address.
  • tagsAll - A map of tags assigned to the resource, including those inherited from the provider defaultTags configuration block.

\~> Note: The resource computes the publicDns and privateDns attributes according to the VPC DNS Guide as they are not available with the EC2 API.


Configuration options:

  • read - (Default 15M)
  • update - (Default 5M)
  • delete - (Default 3M)


EIPs in a VPC can be imported using their Allocation ID, e.g.,

$ terraform import eipalloc-00a10e96

EIPs in EC2-Classic can be imported using their Public IP, e.g.,

$ terraform import