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Resource: awsGluePartition

Provides a Glue Partition Resource.

Example Usage

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.gluePartition.GluePartition(this, "example", {
  databaseName: "some-database",
  tableName: "some-table",
  values: ["some-value"],

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • databaseName - (Required) Name of the metadata database where the table metadata resides. For Hive compatibility, this must be all lowercase.
  • partitionValues - (Required) The values that define the partition.
  • catalogId - (Optional) ID of the Glue Catalog and database to create the table in. If omitted, this defaults to the AWS Account ID plus the database name.
  • storageDescriptor - (Optional) A storage descriptor object containing information about the physical storage of this table. You can refer to the Glue Developer Guide for a full explanation of this object.
  • parameters - (Optional) Properties associated with this table, as a list of key-value pairs.
  • columns - (Optional) A list of the Columns in the table.
  • location - (Optional) The physical location of the table. By default this takes the form of the warehouse location, followed by the database location in the warehouse, followed by the table name.
  • inputFormat - (Optional) The input format: SequenceFileInputFormat (binary), or TextInputFormat, or a custom format.
  • outputFormat - (Optional) The output format: SequenceFileOutputFormat (binary), or IgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat, or a custom format.
  • compressed - (Optional) True if the data in the table is compressed, or False if not.
  • numberOfBuckets - (Optional) Must be specified if the table contains any dimension columns.
  • serDeInfo - (Optional) Serialization/deserialization (SerDe) information.
  • bucketColumns - (Optional) A list of reducer grouping columns, clustering columns, and bucketing columns in the table.
  • sortColumns - (Optional) A list of Order objects specifying the sort order of each bucket in the table.
  • parameters - (Optional) User-supplied properties in key-value form.
  • skewedInfo - (Optional) Information about values that appear very frequently in a column (skewed values).
  • storedAsSubDirectories - (Optional) True if the table data is stored in subdirectories, or False if not.
  • name - (Required) The name of the Column.
  • type - (Optional) The datatype of data in the Column.
  • comment - (Optional) Free-form text comment.
  • name - (Optional) Name of the SerDe.
  • parameters - (Optional) A map of initialization parameters for the SerDe, in key-value form.
  • serializationLibrary - (Optional) Usually the class that implements the SerDe. An example is: org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.columnar.ColumnarSerDe.
  • column - (Required) The name of the column.
  • sortOrder - (Required) Indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order (== 1), or in descending order (==0).
  • skewedColumnNames - (Optional) A list of names of columns that contain skewed values.
  • skewedColumnValueLocationMaps - (Optional) A list of values that appear so frequently as to be considered skewed.
  • skewedColumnValues - (Optional) A map of skewed values to the columns that contain them.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - partition id.
  • creationTime - The time at which the partition was created.
  • lastAnalyzedTime - The last time at which column statistics were computed for this partition.
  • lastAccessedTime - The last time at which the partition was accessed.


Glue Partitions can be imported with their catalog ID (usually AWS account ID), database name, table name and partition values e.g.,

$ terraform import aws_glue_partition.part 123456789012:MyDatabase:MyTable:val1#val2