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Resource: awsOrganizationsDelegatedAdministrator

Provides a resource to manage an AWS Organizations Delegated Administrator.

Example Usage

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as aws from "./.gen/providers/aws";
new aws.organizationsDelegatedAdministrator.OrganizationsDelegatedAdministrator(
    accountId: "123456789012",
    servicePrincipal: "principal",

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • accountId - (Required) The account ID number of the member account in the organization to register as a delegated administrator.
  • servicePrincipal - (Required) The service principal of the AWS service for which you want to make the member account a delegated administrator.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The unique identifier (ID) of the delegated administrator.
  • arn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the delegated administrator's account.
  • delegationEnabledDate - The date when the account was made a delegated administrator.
  • email - The email address that is associated with the delegated administrator's AWS account.
  • joinedMethod - The method by which the delegated administrator's account joined the organization.
  • joinedTimestamp - The date when the delegated administrator's account became a part of the organization.
  • name - The friendly name of the delegated administrator's account.
  • status - The status of the delegated administrator's account in the organization.


awsOrganizationsDelegatedAdministrator can be imported by using the account ID and its service principal, e.g.,

$ terraform import aws_organizations_delegated_administrator.example 123456789012/