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Data Source: azurermKubernetesClusterNodePool

Use this data source to access information about an existing Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool.

Example Usage

import * as cdktf from "cdktf";
/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as azurerm from "./.gen/providers/azurerm";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: azurerm.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
const dataAzurermKubernetesClusterNodePoolExample =
  new azurerm.dataAzurermKubernetesClusterNodePool.DataAzurermKubernetesClusterNodePool(
      kubernetes_cluster_name: "existing-cluster",
      name: "existing",
      resource_group_name: "existing-resource-group",
new cdktf.TerraformOutput(this, "id", {

Arguments Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • kubernetesClusterName - (Required) The Name of the Kubernetes Cluster where this Node Pool is located.

  • name - (Required) The name of this Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool.

  • resourceGroupName - (Required) The name of the Resource Group where the Kubernetes Cluster exists.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the Arguments listed above - the following Attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool.

  • enableAutoScaling - Does this Node Pool have Auto-Scaling enabled?

  • enableNodePublicIp - Do nodes in this Node Pool have a Public IP Address?

  • evictionPolicy - The eviction policy used for Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set, when priority is set to spot.

  • hostGroupId - The ID of a Dedicated Host Group that this Node Pool should be run on. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

-> Note: This requires that the Preview Feature microsoftContainerService/dedicatedHostGroupPreview is enabled and the Resource Provider is re-registered, see the documentation for more information.

  • maxCount - The maximum number of Nodes allowed when auto-scaling is enabled.

  • maxPods - The maximum number of Pods allowed on each Node in this Node Pool.

  • minCount - The minimum number of Nodes allowed when auto-scaling is enabled.

  • mode - The Mode for this Node Pool, specifying how these Nodes should be used (for either System or User resources).

  • nodeCount - The current number of Nodes in the Node Pool.

  • nodeLabels - A map of Kubernetes Labels applied to each Node in this Node Pool.

  • nodePublicIpPrefixId - Resource ID for the Public IP Addresses Prefix for the nodes in this Agent Pool.

  • nodeTaints - A map of Kubernetes Taints applied to each Node in this Node Pool.

  • orchestratorVersion - The version of Kubernetes configured on each Node in this Node Pool.

  • osDiskSizeGb - The size of the OS Disk on each Node in this Node Pool.

  • osDiskType - The type of the OS Disk on each Node in this Node Pool.

  • osType - The operating system used on each Node in this Node Pool.

  • priority - The priority of the Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set backing this Node Pool.

  • proximityPlacementGroupId - The ID of the Proximity Placement Group where the Virtual Machine Scale Set backing this Node Pool will be placed.

  • spotMaxPrice - The maximum price being paid for Virtual Machines in this Scale Set. 1 means the current on-demand price for a Virtual Machine.

  • tags - A mapping of tags assigned to the Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool.

  • upgradeSettings - A upgradeSettings block as documented below.

  • vmSize - The size of the Virtual Machines used in the Virtual Machine Scale Set backing this Node Pool.

  • vnetSubnetId - The ID of the Subnet in which this Node Pool exists.

  • zones - A list of the Availability Zones where the Nodes in this Node Pool exist.

A upgradeSettings block exports the following:

  • maxSurge - The maximum number or percentage of nodes which will be added to the Node Pool size during an upgrade.


The timeouts block allows you to specify timeouts for certain actions:

  • read - (Defaults to 5 minutes) Used when retrieving the Kubernetes Cluster Node Pool.