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Google Provider Configuration Reference

The google and googleBeta provider blocks are used to configure the credentials you use to authenticate with GCP, as well as a default project and location (zone and/or region) for your resources. The same values are available between the provider versions, but must be configured in separate provider blocks.

Example Usage - Basic provider blocks

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
new google.provider.GoogleProvider(this, "google", {
  project: "my-project-id",
  region: "us-central1",
  zone: "us-central1-c",
provider "google-beta" {
  project     = "my-project-id"
  region      = "us-central1"
  zone        = "us-central1-c"

Example Usage - Using beta features with googleBeta

To use Google Cloud Platform features that are in beta, you need to both:

  • Explicitly define a googleBeta provider block

  • explicitly set the provider for your resource to googleBeta.

See Provider Versions for a full reference on how to use features from different GCP API versions in the Google provider.

resource "google_compute_instance" "ga-instance" {
  provider = google

  # ...

resource "google_compute_instance" "beta-instance" {
  provider = google-beta

  # ...

provider "google-beta" {}


Running Terraform on your workstation.

If you are using Terraform on your workstation we recommend that you install gcloud and authenticate using User Application Default Credentials ("ADCs") as a primary authentication method. You can enable ADCs by running the command gcloudAuthApplicationDefaultLogin.

Google Cloud reads the quota project for requests will be read automatically from the core/project value. You can override this project by specifying the project flag when running gcloudAuthApplicationDefaultLogin. gcloud should return this message if you have set the correct billing project: quotaProject "yourProject"WasAddedToAdcWhichCanBeUsedByGoogleClientLibrariesForBillingAndQuota

Running Terraform on Google Cloud

If you are running Terraform in a machine on Google Cloud, you can configure that instance or cluster to use a Google Service Account. This allows Terraform to authenticate to Google Cloud without a separate credential/authentication file. Ensure that the scope of the VM/Cluster is set to or includes https://wwwGoogleapisCom/auth/cloudPlatform.

Running Terraform Outside of Google Cloud

If you are running Terraform outside of Google Cloud, generate an external credential configuration file (example for OIDC based federation) or a service account key file and set the googleApplicationCredentials environment variable to the path of the JSON file. Terraform will use that file for authentication. Terraform supports the full range of authentication options documented for Google Cloud.

Using Terraform Cloud

Place your credentials in a Terraform Cloud environment variable:

  1. Create an environment variable called googleCredentials in your Terraform Cloud workspace.
  2. Remove the newline characters from your JSON key file and then paste the credentials into the environment variable value field. You can use the tr command to strip newline characters. catKeyJson |TrS '\n' ' '
  3. Mark the variable as Sensitive and click Save variable.

All runs within the workspace will use the googleCredentials variable to authenticate with Google Cloud Platform.

Impersonating Service Accounts

Terraform can impersonate a Google service account, acting as a service account without managing its key locally.

To impersonate a service account, you must use another authentication method to act as a primary identity, and the primary identity must have the roles/iamServiceAccountTokenCreator role on the service account Terraform is impersonating. Google Cloud Platform checks permissions and quotas against the impersonated service account regardless of the primary identity in use.

Authentication Configuration

  • credentials - (Optional) Either the path to or the contents of a service account key file in JSON format. You can manage key files using the Cloud Console. Your service account key file is used to complete a two-legged OAuth 2.0 flow to obtain access tokens to authenticate with the GCP API as needed; Terraform will use it to reauthenticate automatically when tokens expire. You can alternatively use the googleCredentials environment variable, or any of the following ordered by precedence.


    Using Terraform-specific service accounts to authenticate with GCP is the recommended practice when using Terraform. If no Terraform-specific credentials are specified, the provider will fall back to using Google Application Default Credentials. To use them, you can enter the path of your service account key file in the googleApplicationCredentials environment variable, or configure authentication through one of the following;

  • If you're running Terraform from a GCE instance, default credentials are automatically available. See Creating and Enabling Service Accounts for Instances for more details.

  • On your workstation, you can make your Google identity available by running gcloudAuthApplicationDefaultLogin.

  • scopes - (Optional) The list of OAuth 2.0 scopes requested when generating an access token using the service account key specified in credentials.

By default, the following scopes are configured:


  • accessToken - (Optional) A temporary OAuth 2.0 access token obtained from the Google Authorization server, i.e. the authorization:Bearer token used to authenticate HTTP requests to GCP APIs. This is an alternative to credentials, and ignores the scopes field. You can alternatively use the googleOauthAccessToken environment variable. If you specify both with environment variables, Terraform uses the accessToken instead of the credentials field.

    -> Terraform cannot renew these access tokens, and they will eventually expire (default 1Hour). If Terraform needs access for longer than a token's lifetime, use a service account key with credentials instead.

  • impersonateServiceAccount - (Optional) The service account to impersonate for all Google API Calls. You must have roles/iamServiceAccountTokenCreator role on that account for the impersonation to succeed. If you are using a delegation chain, you can specify that using the impersonateServiceAccountDelegates field. Alternatively, this can be specified using the googleImpersonateServiceAccount environment variable.

  • impersonateServiceAccountDelegates - (Optional) The delegation chain for an impersonating a service account as described here.

Quota Management Configuration

  • userProjectOverride - (Optional) Defaults to false. Controls the quota project used in requests to GCP APIs for the purpose of preconditions, quota, and billing. If false, the quota project is determined by the API and may be the project associated with your credentials, or the resource project. If true, most resources in the provider will explicitly supply their resource project, as described in their documentation. Otherwise, a billingProject value must be supplied. Alternatively, this can be specified using the userProjectOverride environment variable.

Service account credentials are associated with the project the service account was created in. Credentials that come from the gcloud tool are associated with a project owned by Google. In order to properly use credentials that come from gcloud with Terraform, it is recommended to set this property to true.

userProjectOverride uses the xGoogUserProject system parameter. When set to true, the caller must have serviceusageServicesUse permission on the quota project.

  • billingProject - (Optional) A quota project to send in userProjectOverride, used for all requests sent from the provider. If set on a resource that supports sending the resource project, this value will supersede the resource project. This field is ignored if userProjectOverride is set to false or unset. Alternatively, this can be specified using the googleBillingProject environment variable.

Provider Default Values Configuration

  • project - (Optional) The default project to manage resources in. If another project is specified on a resource, it will take precedence. This can also be specified using the googleProject environment variable, or any of the following ordered by precedence.


  • region - (Optional) The default region to manage resources in. If another region is specified on a regional resource, it will take precedence. Alternatively, this can be specified using the googleRegion environment variable or any of the following ordered by precedence.


  • zone - (Optional) The default zone to manage resources in. Generally, this zone should be within the default region you specified. If another zone is specified on a zonal resource, it will take precedence. Alternatively, this can be specified using the googleZone environment variable or any of the following ordered by precedence.


Advanced Settings Configuration

  • requestTimeout - (Optional) A duration string controlling the amount of time the provider should wait for individual HTTP requests. This will not adjust the amount of time the provider will wait for a logical operation - use the resource timeout blocks for that. This will adjust only the amount of time that a single synchronous request will wait for a response. The default is 30 seconds, and that should be a suitable value in most cases. Many GCP APIs will cancel a request if no response is forthcoming within 30 seconds in any event. In limited cases, such as DNS record set creation, there is a synchronous request to create the resource. This may help in those cases.

  • requestReason - (Optional) Send a Request Reason System Parameter for each API call made by the provider. The xGoogRequestReason header value is used to provide a user-supplied justification into GCP AuditLogs. Alternatively, this can be specified using the cloudsdkCoreRequestReason environment variable.

  • {{service}}CustomEndpoint - (Optional) The endpoint for a service's APIs, such as computeCustomEndpoint. Defaults to the production GCP endpoint for the service. This can be used to configure the Google provider to communicate with GCP-like APIs such as the Cloud Functions emulator. Values are expected to include the version of the service, such as https://wwwGoogleapisCom/compute/v1/:
provider "google" {
  alias                   = "compute_beta_endpoint"
  compute_custom_endpoint = ""

Custom endpoints are an advanced feature. To determine the possible values you can set, consult the implementation in provider.go and config.go.

Support for custom endpoints is on a best-effort basis. The underlying endpoint and default values for a resource can be changed at any time without being considered a breaking change.

  • batching - (Optional) Controls batching for specific GCP request types where users have encountered quota or speed issues using many resources of the same type, typically googleProjectService.

Batching is not used for every resource/request type and can only group parallel similar calls for nodes at a similar traversal time in the graph during terraformApply (e.g. resources created using count that affect a single project). Thus, it is also bounded by the terraform parallelism flag, as reducing the number of parallel calls will reduce the number of simultaneous requests being added to a batcher.

\~> NOTE Most resources/GCP request do not have batching implemented (see below for requests which use batching) Batching is really only needed for resources where several requests are made at the same time to an underlying GCP resource protected by a fairly low default quota, or with very slow operations with slower eventual propagation. If you're not completely sure what you are doing, avoid setting custom batching configuration.

So far, batching is implemented for below resources:

  • googleProjectService
  • All google_*Iam_* resources

The batching block supports the following fields.

  • sendAfter - (Optional) A duration string representing the amount of time after which a request should be sent. Defaults to 10s. Should be a non-negative integer or float string with a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

  • enableBatching - (Optional) Defaults to true. If false, disables global batching and each request is sent normally.