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Terraform Google Provider 4.0.0 Upgrade Guide

The 400 release of the Google provider for Terraform is a major version and includes some changes that you will need to consider when upgrading. This guide is intended to help with that process and focuses only on the changes necessary to upgrade from the final 3X series release to 400.

Most of the changes outlined in this guide have been previously marked as deprecated in the Terraform plan/apply output throughout previous provider releases, up to and including the final 3X series release. These changes, such as deprecation notices, can always be found in the CHANGELOG of the affected providers. google google-beta

I accidentally upgraded to 4.0.0, how do I downgrade to 3X?

If you've inadvertently upgraded to 400, first see the Provider Version Configuration Guide to lock your provider version; if you've constrained the provider to a lower version such as shown in the previous version example in that guide, Terraform will pull in a 3X series release on terraformInit.

If you've only ran terraformInit or terraformPlan, your state will not have been modified and downgrading your provider is sufficient.

If you've ran terraformRefresh or terraformApply, Terraform may have made state changes in the meantime.

  • If you're using a local state, or a remote state backend that does not support versioning, terraformRefresh with a downgraded provider is likely sufficient to revert your state. The Google provider generally refreshes most state information from the API, and the properties necessary to do so have been left unchanged.

  • If you're using a remote state backend that supports versioning such as Google Cloud Storage, you can revert the Terraform state file to a previous version. If you do so and Terraform had created resources as part of a terraformApply in the meantime, you'll need to either delete them by hand or terraformImport them so Terraform knows to manage them.

Provider Version Configuration

-> Before upgrading to version 4.0.0, it is recommended to upgrade to the most recent 3X series release of the provider, make the changes noted in this guide, and ensure that your environment successfully runs terraformPlan without unexpected changes or deprecation notices.

It is recommended to use version constraints when configuring Terraform providers. If you are following that recommendation, update the version constraints in your Terraform configuration and run terraformInit to download the new version.

If you aren't using version constraints, you can use terraformInitUpgrade in order to upgrade your provider to the latest released version.

For example, given this previous configuration:

An updated configuration:


credentials, accessToken precedence has changed

Terraform can draw values for both the credentials and accessToken from the config directly or from environment variables.

In earlier versions of the provider, accessToken values specified through environment variables took precedence over credentials values specified in config. From 400 onwards, config takes precedence over environment variables, and the accessToken environment variable takes precedence over the credential environment variable.

Service account impersonation is unchanged. Terraform will continue to use the service account if it is specified through an environment variable, even if credentials or accessToken are specified in config.

Redundant default scopes are removed

Several default scopes are removed from the provider:

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""

They are redundant with the "" scope per Access scopes. After this change the following scopes are enabled, in line with gcloud's list of scopes:

  • ""
  • ""

This change is believed to have no user impact. If you find that Terraform behaves incorrectly as a result of this change, please report a bug.

Runtime Configurator (runtimeconfig) resources have been removed from the GA provider

Earlier versions of the provider accidentally included the Runtime Configurator service at GA. 400 has corrected that error, and Runtime Configurator is only available in googleBeta.

Affected Resources:

* `google_runtimeconfig_config`
* `google_runtimeconfig_variable`
* `google_runtimeconfig_config_iam_policy`
* `google_runtimeconfig_config_iam_binding`
* `google_runtimeconfig_config_iam_member`

Affected Datasources:

* `google_runtimeconfig_config`

If you have a configuration using the google provider like the following:

resource "google_runtimeconfig_config" "my-runtime-config" {
  name        = "my-service-runtime-config"
  description = "Runtime configuration values for my service"

Add the googleBeta provider to your configuration:

resource "google_runtimeconfig_config" "my-runtime-config" {
  provider = google-beta

  name        = "my-service-runtime-config"
  description = "Runtime configuration values for my service"

Service account scopes no longer accept traceAppend or traceRo, use trace instead

Previously users could specify traceAppend or traceRo as scopes for a given service account. However, to better align with Google documentation, trace will now be the only valid scope, as it's an alias for traceAppend and traceRo is no longer a documented option.


Datasource: googleKmsKeyRing

id now matches the googleKmsKeyRing id format

The format has changed to better match the resource's ID format.

Interpolations based on the id of the datasource may require updates.


Resource: googleAppEngineStandardAppVersion

entrypoint is now required

This resource would fail to deploy without this field defined. Specify the entrypoint block to fix any issues

Resource: googleBigqueryJob

Exactly one of query, load, copy or extract is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of query0ScriptOptions0StatementTimeoutMs, query0ScriptOptions0StatementByteBudget, or query0ScriptOptions0KeyResultStatement is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Exactly one of extract0SourceTable or extract0SourceModel is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleCloudbuildTrigger

Exactly one of build0Source0RepoSource0BranchName, build0Source0RepoSource0CommitSha or build0Source0RepoSource0TagName is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleComputeAutoscaler

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0TimeWindowSec is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas0Fixed or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas0Percent is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0TimeWindowSec is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas0Fixed or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas0Percent is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleComputeRegionAutoscaler

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0TimeWindowSec is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas0Fixed or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleDownControl0MaxScaledDownReplicas0Percent is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0TimeWindowSec is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas0Fixed or autoscalingPolicy0ScaleInControl0MaxScaledInReplicas0Percent is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleComputeFirewall

One of sourceTags, sourceRanges or sourceServiceAccounts are required on INGRESS firewalls

Previously, if all of these fields were left empty, the firewall defaulted to allowing traffic from, which is a suboptimal default.

sourceRanges will track changes when unspecified in a config

In 3X, sourceRanges wouldn't cause a diff if it was undefined in config but was set on the firewall itself. With 4.0.0 Terraform will now track changes on the block when it is not specified in a user's config.

Resource: googleComputeInstance

metadataStartupScript is no longer set on import

Earlier versions of the provider set the metadataStartupScript value on import, omitting the value of metadataStartupScript for historical backwards compatibility. This was dangerous in practice, as metadataStartupScript would flag an instance for recreation if the values differed rather than for just an update.

In 400 the behaviour has been flipped, and metadataStartupScript is the default value that gets written. Users who want metadataStartupScript set on an imported instance will need to modify their state manually. This is more consistent with our expectations for the field, that a user who manages an instance only through Terraform uses it but that most users should prefer the metadata block.

No action is required for user configs with instances already imported. If you have a config or module where neither is specified- where import will be run, or an old config that is not reconciled with the API- the value that gets set will change.

Resource: googleComputeInstanceGroupManager

updatePolicyMinReadySec is removed from the GA provider

This field was incorrectly included in the GA google provider in past releases. In order to continue to use the feature, add provider =GoogleBeta to your resource definition.

Resource: googleComputeRegionInstanceGroupManager

updatePolicyMinReadySec is removed from the GA provider

This field was incorrectly included in the GA google provider in past releases. In order to continue to use the feature, add provider =GoogleBeta to your resource definition.

Resource: googleComputeInstanceTemplate

enableDisplay is removed from the GA provider

This field was incorrectly included in the GA google provider in past releases. In order to continue to use the feature, add provider =GoogleBeta to your resource definition.

advancedMachineFeatures will track changes when unspecified in a config

In 3X, advancedMachineFeatures wouldn't cause a diff if it was undefined in config but was set on the instance template itself. With 4.0.0 Terraform will now track changes on the block when it is not specified in a user's config.

Resource: googleComputeUrlMap

At least one of defaultRouteAction0FaultInjectionPolicy0Delay0FixedDelay or defaultRouteAction0FaultInjectionPolicy0Delay0Percentage is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleContainerCluster

enableShieldedNodes now defaults to true

Previously the provider defaulted enableShieldedNodes to false, despite the API default of true. Unless explicitly configured, users may see a diff changing enableShieldedNodes to true.

instanceGroupUrls is now removed

instanceGroupUrls has been removed in favor of nodePoolManagedInstanceGroupUrls

masterAuthUsername and masterAuthPassword are now removed

masterAuthUsername and masterAuthPassword have been removed. Basic authentication was removed for GKE cluster versions >= 1.19. The cluster cannot be created with basic authentication enabled. Instructions for choosing an alternative authentication method can be found at:

masterAuthClientCertificateConfig is now required

With the removal of masterAuthUsername and masterAuthPassword, masterAuthClientCertificateConfig is now the only configurable field in masterAuth. If you do not wish to configure masterAuthClientCertificateConfig, remove the masterAuth block from your configuration entirely. You will still be able to reference the outputted fields under masterAuth without the block defined.

nodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfigNodeMetadata is now removed

Removed in favor of nodeConfigWorkloadMetadataConfigMode.

workloadIdentityConfig0IdentityNamespace is now removed

Removed in favor of workloadIdentityConfig0WorkloadPool. Switching your configuration from one value to the other will trigger a diff at plan time, and a spurious update.

resource "google_container_cluster" "cluster" {
  name               = "your-cluster"
  location           = "us-central1-a"
  initial_node_count = 1

  workload_identity_config {
-    identity_namespace = ""
+   workload_pool = ""

podSecurityPolicyConfig is removed from the GA provider

This field was incorrectly included in the GA google provider in past releases. In order to continue to use the feature, add provider =GoogleBeta to your resource definition.

Resource: googleComputeSnapshot

Removed, as the information available was redundant. You can reconstruct a compatible value based on sourceDisk and zone. With a reference such as the following:


Substitute the following:


Resource: googleDataLossPreventionTrigger

Exactly one of inspectJob0StorageConfig0CloudStorageOptions0FileSet0Url or inspectJob0StorageConfig0CloudStorageOptions0FileSet0RegexFileSet is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of inspectJob0StorageConfig0TimespanConfig0StartTime or inspectJob0StorageConfig0TimespanConfig0EndTime is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleOsConfigPatchDeployment

At least one of patchConfig0RebootConfig, patchConfig0Apt, patchConfig0Yum, patchConfig0Goo patchConfig0Zypper, patchConfig0WindowsUpdate, patchConfig0PreStep or patchConfig0PreStep is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of patchConfig0Apt0Type, patchConfig0Apt0Excludes or patchConfig0Apt0ExclusivePackages is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of patchConfig0Yum0Security, patchConfig0Yum0Minimal, patchConfig0Yum0Excludes or patchConfig0Yum0ExclusivePackages is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of patchConfig0Zypper0WithOptional, patchConfig0Zypper0WithUpdate, patchConfig0Zypper0Categories, patchConfig0Zypper0Severities, patchConfig0Zypper0Excludes or patchConfig0Zypper0ExclusivePatches is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Exactly one of patchConfig0WindowsUpdate0Classifications, patchConfig0WindowsUpdate0Excludes or patchConfig0WindowsUpdate0ExclusivePatches is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of patchConfig0PreStep0LinuxExecStepConfig or patchConfig0PreStep0WindowsExecStepConfig is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

At least one of patchConfig0PostStep0LinuxExecStepConfig or patchConfig0PostStep0WindowsExecStepConfig is required

The provider will now enforce at plan time that one of these fields be set.

Resource: googleKmsCryptoKey

Removed in favor of id.

Resource: googleKmsKeyRing

Removed in favor of id.

Resource: googleProject

orgId, folderId now conflict at plan time

Previously, they were only checked for conflicts at apply time. Terraform will now report an error at plan time.

orgId, folderId are unset when removed from config

Previously, these fields kept their old value in state when they were removed from config, changing the value on next refresh. Going forward, removing one of the values or switching values will generate a correct plan that removes the value.

Resource: googleProjectIam

project field is now required

The project field is now required for all googleProjectIam_* resources. Previously, it was only required for googleProjectIamPolicy. This will make configuration of the project IAM resources more explicit, given that the project is the targeted resource.

terraformPlan will indicate any project IAM resources that had drawn a value with a provider, and you are able to specify the project explicitly to remove the proposed diff.

Resource: googleProjectService

bigqueryJsonGoogleapisCom is no longer a valid service name

bigqueryJsonGoogleapisCom was deprecated in the 300 release, however, at that point the provider converted it while the upstream API migration was in progress. Now that the API migration has finished, the provider will no longer convert the service name. Use bigqueryGoogleapisCom instead.

Resource: googlePubsubSubscription

path is now removed

path has been removed in favor of id which has an identical value.

Resource: googleSpannerInstance

Exactly one of numNodes or processingUnits is required

The provider will now enforce that you've set one of these fields at plan time. Earlier versions of the provider set a default value of 1 for numNodes. If neither field is present in your config, it's likely you can add numNodes =1 to resolve this change. If that is incorrect, terraformPlan should inform you of the correct value.

For example, for a configuration like the following:

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
new google.spannerInstance.SpannerInstance(this, "default", {
  config: "regional-europe-west1",
  display_name: "main-instance",

You would amend it to:

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
new google.spannerInstance.SpannerInstance(this, "default", {
  config: "regional-europe-west1",
  display_name: "main-instance",
  num_nodes: 1,

Resource: googleSqlDatabaseInstance

First-generation fields have been removed

Removed fields specific to first-generation SQL instances: authorizedGaeApplications, crashSafeReplication, replicationType

databaseVersion field is now required

The databaseVersion field is now required. Previously, it was an optional field and the default value was mysql56. Description of the change and how users should adjust their configuration (if needed).

Drift detection and defaults enabled on fields

Added drift detection and plan-time defaults to several fields used to configure second-generation SQL instances. If you see changes flagged by Terraform after running terraformPlan, amend your config to resolve them.

The affected fields are:

  • activationPolicy will now default to always at plan time, and detect drift even when unset. Previously, Terraform only detected drift when the field had been set in config explicitly.

  • availabilityType will now default to zonal at plan time, and detect drift even when unset. Previously, Terraform only detected drift when the field had been set in config explicitly.

  • diskType will now default to pdSsd at plan time, and detect drift even when unset. Previously, Terraform only detected drift when the field had been set in config explicitly.

  • encryptionKeyName will now detect drift even when unset. Previously, Terraform only detected drift when the field had been set in config explicitly.

Resource: googleStorageBucket

bucketPolicyOnly field is now removed

bucketPolicyOnly field is now removed in favor of uniformBucketLevelAccess.

location field is now required.

Previously, the default value of location was us. In an attempt to avoid allowing invalid conbination of storageClass value and default location value, location field is now required.