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Beta only: The Cloudbuildv2 Connection resource

Example Usage - ghe

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
const googleSecretManagerSecretPrivateKeySecret =
  new google.secretManagerSecret.SecretManagerSecret(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      replication: [
          automatic: true,
      secret_id: "ghe-pk-secret",
const googleSecretManagerSecretWebhookSecretSecret =
  new google.secretManagerSecret.SecretManagerSecret(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      replication: [
          automatic: true,
      secret_id: "github-token-secret",
const googleSecretManagerSecretVersionPrivateKeySecretVersion =
  new google.secretManagerSecretVersion.SecretManagerSecretVersion(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      secret_data: '${file("private-key.pem")}',
const googleSecretManagerSecretVersionWebhookSecretSecretVersion =
  new google.secretManagerSecretVersion.SecretManagerSecretVersion(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      secret_data: "<webhook-secret-data>",
const dataGoogleIamPolicyP4SaSecretAccessor =
  new google.dataGoogleIamPolicy.DataGoogleIamPolicy(
      binding: [
          members: [
          role: "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor",
      provider: "${google-beta}",
const googleSecretManagerSecretIamPolicyPolicyPk =
  new google.secretManagerSecretIamPolicy.SecretManagerSecretIamPolicy(
      policy_data: dataGoogleIamPolicyP4SaSecretAccessor.policyData,
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      secret_id: googleSecretManagerSecretPrivateKeySecret.secretId,
const googleSecretManagerSecretIamPolicyPolicyWhs =
  new google.secretManagerSecretIamPolicy.SecretManagerSecretIamPolicy(
      policy_data: dataGoogleIamPolicyP4SaSecretAccessor.policyData,
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      secret_id: googleSecretManagerSecretWebhookSecretSecret.secretId,
new google.cloudbuildv2Connection.Cloudbuildv2Connection(
    depends_on: [
    github_enterprise_config: [
        app_id: 200,
        app_installation_id: 300,
        app_slug: "gcb-app",
        host_uri: "",
    location: "us-central1",
    name: "my-terraform-ghe-connection",
    provider: "${google-beta}",

Example Usage - GitHub Connection

Creates a Connection to

/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
const googleSecretManagerSecretGithubTokenSecret =
  new google.secretManagerSecret.SecretManagerSecret(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      replication: [
          automatic: true,
      secret_id: "github-token-secret",
const googleSecretManagerSecretVersionGithubTokenSecretVersion =
  new google.secretManagerSecretVersion.SecretManagerSecretVersion(
      provider: "${google-beta}",
      secret_data: '${file("my-github-token.txt")}',
const dataGoogleIamPolicyP4SaSecretAccessor =
  new google.dataGoogleIamPolicy.DataGoogleIamPolicy(
      binding: [
          members: [
          role: "roles/secretmanager.secretAccessor",
      provider: "${google-beta}",
new google.cloudbuildv2Connection.Cloudbuildv2Connection(
    github_config: [
        app_installation_id: 123123,
        authorizer_credential: [
    location: "us-west1",
    name: "my-connection",
    provider: "${google-beta}",
new google.secretManagerSecretIamPolicy.SecretManagerSecretIamPolicy(
    policy_data: dataGoogleIamPolicyP4SaSecretAccessor.policyData,
    provider: "${google-beta}",
    secret_id: googleSecretManagerSecretGithubTokenSecret.secretId,

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • location - (Required) The location for the resource

  • name - (Required) Immutable. The resource name of the connection, in the format projects/{project}/locations/{location}/connections/{connectionId}.

  • annotations - (Optional) Allows clients to store small amounts of arbitrary data.

  • disabled - (Optional) If disabled is set to true, functionality is disabled for this connection. Repository based API methods and webhooks processing for repositories in this connection will be disabled.

  • githubConfig - (Optional) Configuration for connections to

  • githubEnterpriseConfig - (Optional) Configuration for connections to an instance of GitHub Enterprise.

  • project - (Optional) The project for the resource

The githubConfig block supports:

  • appInstallationId - (Optional) GitHub App installation id.

  • authorizerCredential - (Optional) OAuth credential of the account that authorized the Cloud Build GitHub App. It is recommended to use a robot account instead of a human user account. The OAuth token must be tied to the Cloud Build GitHub App.

The authorizerCredential block supports:

  • oauthTokenSecretVersion - (Optional) A SecretManager resource containing the OAuth token that authorizes the Cloud Build connection. Format: projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.

  • username - The username associated to this token.

The githubEnterpriseConfig block supports:

  • hostUri - (Required) Required. The URI of the GitHub Enterprise host this connection is for.

  • appId - (Optional) Id of the GitHub App created from the manifest.

  • appInstallationId - (Optional) ID of the installation of the GitHub App.

  • appSlug - (Optional) The URL-friendly name of the GitHub App.

  • privateKeySecretVersion - (Optional) SecretManager resource containing the private key of the GitHub App, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.

  • serviceDirectoryConfig - (Optional) Configuration for using Service Directory to privately connect to a GitHub Enterprise server. This should only be set if the GitHub Enterprise server is hosted on-premises and not reachable by public internet. If this field is left empty, calls to the GitHub Enterprise server will be made over the public internet.

  • sslCa - (Optional) SSL certificate to use for requests to GitHub Enterprise.

  • webhookSecretSecretVersion - (Optional) SecretManager resource containing the webhook secret of the GitHub App, formatted as projects/*/secrets/*/versions/*.

The serviceDirectoryConfig block supports:

  • service - (Required) Required. The Service Directory service name. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/namespaces/{namespace}/services/{service}.

Attributes Reference

In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:

  • id - an identifier for the resource with format projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/connections/{{name}}

  • createTime - Output only. Server assigned timestamp for when the connection was created.

  • etag - This checksum is computed by the server based on the value of other fields, and may be sent on update and delete requests to ensure the client has an up-to-date value before proceeding.

  • installationState - Output only. Installation state of the Connection.

  • reconciling - Output only. Set to true when the connection is being set up or updated in the background.

  • updateTime - Output only. Server assigned timestamp for when the connection was updated.


This resource provides the following Timeouts configuration options:

  • create - Default is 20 minutes.
  • update - Default is 20 minutes.
  • delete - Default is 20 minutes.


Connection can be imported using any of these accepted formats:

$ terraform import google_cloudbuildv2_connection.default projects/{{project}}/locations/{{location}}/connections/{{name}}
$ terraform import google_cloudbuildv2_connection.default {{project}}/{{location}}/{{name}}
$ terraform import google_cloudbuildv2_connection.default {{location}}/{{name}}