A Cloud Security Command Center's (Cloud SCC) finding source. A finding source is an entity or a mechanism that can produce a finding. A source is like a container of findings that come from the same scanner, logger, monitor, etc.
To get more information about Source, see:
- API documentation
- How-to Guides
- Official Documentation
Example Usage - Scc Source Basic
/*Provider bindings are generated by running cdktf get.
See for more details.*/
import * as google from "./.gen/providers/google";
/*The following providers are missing schema information and might need manual adjustments to synthesize correctly: google.
For a more precise conversion please use the --provider flag in convert.*/
new google.sccSource.SccSource(this, "custom_source", {
description: "My custom Cloud Security Command Center Finding Source",
display_name: "My Source",
organization: "123456789",
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The source’s display name. A source’s display name must be unique amongst its siblings, for example, two sources with the same parent can't share the same display name. The display name must start and end with a letter or digit, may contain letters, digits, spaces, hyphens, and underscores, and can be no longer than 32 characters. -
- (Required) The organization whose Cloud Security Command Center the Source lives in.
- (Optional) The description of the source (max of 1024 characters).
Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments listed above, the following computed attributes are exported:
- an identifier for the resource with format{{name}}
- The resource name of this source, in the formatorganizations/{{organization}}/sources/{{source}}
This resource provides the following Timeouts configuration options:
- Default is 20 minutes.update
- Default is 20 minutes.delete
- Default is 20 minutes.
Source can be imported using any of these accepted formats: